Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Fighter (2011)

Directed by David O. Russell

Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Melissa Leo

Rating: 8/10

"The Fighter" didn't knock me out, but I was pretty entertained throughout the length of the movie. Based on the story of boxer Micky Ward and his struggle to top tier status of the boxing world. Dragged down by his family and peers, Micky is forced to make the decision to stay with the family or actually proceed in his career.

This movie came at an interesting time with the whole boxing industry at a little bit of a downfall. The fights people want aren't getting made and fans are starting to turn in other directions of entertainment. For those who are fans of the sport, Micky Ward's story is very interesting. For others I feel this becomes just another rags to riches story, which isn't the worst thing.

Micky (Wahlberg) finds himself in the shadow of his family and a brother that once made it big in a fight with Sugar Ray Leonard. Since his brother's fight, he's been the one Micky always looked up to and the focus of the family. Dickie (Bale), his brother, has found himself in a slump, addicted to crack, and filming an HBO special that focuses on his "comeback." Micky learned eveything he knew from Dickie and has been with the family from the start of his own career. After losing a few fights a change needs to be made. A couple setbacks through his brother and a new girlfriend shape together to make a happy ending.

Although the story is based on Micky Ward the story focuses on his sourrounding cast. Alice (Leo), his mother, is convinced family comes first and cringes at the thought of not being listened to. Melissa Leo puts in an amazing performance portraying a woman that doesn't take shit from anybody. She's the type of woman that sees things in a straight line, and anything outside of that line is ridiculous. She always has that cigarette in her hand and her posse of daughters that support her more out of fear. Leo's performance along with Bale's is one to be looked at admirably.

Being not a big Christian Bale fan, I went into "The Fighter" with thoughts that Bale would make the film more dissapointing. What got me to like his character even more was a little part at the end showing an interview with Micky Ward and his brother. I could of sworn the two were identical which really made me enjoy Bale's role even more. A crack addict with a past that follows him, Christian puts in the right attitude and is really believeable.

Amy Adams is great and really attractive, again, but Micky's part of their relationship isn't showed very well. I understand the focus is on the story and not Micky himself that much, but it feels like he's almost disconnected from the story. He comes in for his fights, put his two cents into arguments but his character isn't powerful enough. This is not Mark Wahlberg's fault. He did an alright job with the parts he was given. Personally, I just wanted to see Micky and the boxing in general a little more lively.

All aside Micky Ward is a good story that was put together well. Overall, I just wanted a little bit more out of it, but I was entertained and liked "The Fighter" nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. Not a big boxing fan myself. I'll probably skip this one.
