Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Top 5 Movies of 2009

Here we go...my top 5 for 2009!

5. Funny People

Judd Apatow delivers his third film that fits right in with his first two. Funny People is a very funny, yet serious movie delivering all sorts of emotions to the viewer. Adam Sandler gives his best performance since "Punch-Drunk Love."

4. Inglourious Basterds

People will continue to dislike Tarantino because of his ego, but he makes some of the best movies around. Inglourious Basterds in no exception. With a brilliant screenplay and superior acting, Inglourious Basterds is a must-see. Christoph Waltz wins my award for best actor of 2009.

3. A Serious Man

Is it possible for the Coen brothers to make a bad movie? It hasn't happened yet. A Serious Man focuses on a man whose life starts falling apart after his wife decides she's leaving him. He finds himself in only bad situations and seeks help to see exactly what is wrong with him.

2. Up in the Air

I'm not the biggest George Clooney fan, however he really impressed me in "Up in the Air" by Jason Reitman. Clooney plays a man whose job is to travel around the U.S. and fire people from their jobs. Along the way he meets two women that change his life completely. In different ways they both change the way he looks at his job and life in general.

1. Fantastic Mr. Fox

How the cuss is "Fantastic Mr. Fox" not the best movie of 2009? Based on the classic kids book by Roald Dahl, the amazing Wes Anderson directs one of his best films to date using stop-motion animation. There is so much detail in the art of this film, I have no idea how it was even made. The writing is phenomenal producing comedy for kids and adults alike. I've seen this movie multiple times and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.


  1. Wow! I was afraid to see Fantastic Mr.Fox because I've enjoyed the book so much, I didn't want to ruin it. Now, however, I HAVE to see it. Looking forward to it. :-)

  2. A Serious Man has been added to my queu, but, sorry to say, I saw Funny People and did NOT like it. Some parts were good, and Adam Sandler did a great acting job, but the movie just didn't appeal to me. Inglorious Basterds...LOVED it!!
